
See you at the SSNR 2022

  After all these Covid restrictions and online meetings, I am really excited to finally go in person to a conference. Let's meet at the Summer school of Neurorehabilitation 2022 in Baiona! Visit also my workshop!


 Watch the talks of our BCI & Neurotechnology spring school about the topic of DoC patients.

Join the BCI & Neurotechnology spring school 2022

Glad to announce the BCI & Neurotechnology spring school 2022! April 25 – May 4, 2022 (GMT Vienna ) Register here: Enjoy 10 days of online sessions covering a variety of BCI topics from speech decoding to robot control or functional mapping of the eloquent cortex. Make sure not to miss the session about Disorders of Consciousness on Monday the 2nd of May. I am humbled to be one of the presenters, amongst many renowned professors, such as Steven Laureys from the Coma Science Group in Liege or Brian Edlow from the Massachusetts General Hospital. Also i am looking forward to be mentor during the hackathon on Saturday. Those events are not only great for the participants, but also gives me the opportunity to getting in touch with creative and smart people from various scientific fields and see their ideas.  UPDATE 06.05.2022: I got a certificate as keynote speaker :)
   First publication Recently, we presented first scientific results of the DOC-Stim project at the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021  HCII 2021 conference . We were working hard on improving vibrotactile communication for DOC patients and tested in on healty controls. I can't await using it with DOC patients! Thanks to all my great colleagues and coauthors! The publication can be found here: Ortner, R., Dinarès-Ferran, J., Irimia, D. C., & Guger, C. (2021, July). Towards Improved Vibro-Tactile P300 BCIs. In  International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction  (pp. 65-74). Springer, Cham.