About DOC-Stim

What is this all about?

DOC-Stim is a so called Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship (MSCA-IF) project. These are projects funded by the European Comission to foster the carreers of researchers within Europe. It allows a researcher to work on a specific research topic and gain additional skills like for example about business or marketing strategies. A MSCA-IF project is done together with a host organisation, which can be a university, research institution, business, SME or other organisation based in an EU Member State or Horizon Europe Associated Country. More information about the framework can be found here:


What is the aim of DOC-Stim?

DOC-Stim is a project that aims helping people with Disorders of Consciousness (DOC). Persons with DOC have little or no ability to interact with people and devices. They are unable to control voluntary movement, and hence they cannot speak, blink, use devices for communication, or otherwise convey their needs and desires. Recent work has shown that new methods and devices based on realtime electroencephalography (EEG) can help re-assess DOC patients’ cognitive functions and provide basic communication for them. Other work found that new tools to noninvasively monitor and stimulate brain activity could substantially improve recovery of persons with stroke or other disabilities.
The project will explore to create a new system that will be used to collect data with DOC patients. We will analyse the resulting data to develop new knowledge and contribute to improved tools that therapists and physicians can use.